The Communications Society & Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award recognizes outstanding papers that lie at the intersection of communications and information theory. Any paper appearing in a ComSoc or IT Society publication during the previous three years is eligible for the award. A Committee with members from both societies will make the selection. The award consists of a plaque and cash prize presented at the Comsoc or IT symposium of the authors’ choice. The authors do not have to be members of IEEE.
A plaque and an honorarium up to US \$500 for each author (total cost not exceeding US \$1,000 for each paper).
For outstanding papers published in any publication of the Communications Society or the Information Theory Society within the previous three calendar years. The authors do not have to be members of IEEE. Presented annually.
Basis for Judging
Quality, originality, utility, timeliness, and presentation. The paper should cover the interests and achieve the values of both the Communications Society and the Information Theory Society.
Jointly sponsored by IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) and Information Theory Society (IT).
Evenly funded by the two sponsoring societies.
Selection Process
- Each year a joint papers evaluation subcommittee of six members is formed with three from each of the Awards committees of the two societies. ComSoc's members are appointed by the Chair of the ComSoc Awards Committee.
- This subcommittee considers ranked nominations from publications boards in both societies and selects 1 or 2 papers as the award recipients. No paper already selected for a ComSoc paper award will be eligible. The processes/timelines will be the same as all other paper awards.
The subcommittee members are listed on the Communications Society & Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award Subcommittee page.
Annually at any event sponsored by either of the two sponsoring societies selected by the recipient(s)
Nominations and optional letters of endorsement must be submitted by February 15 using the online nomination form.