IT Society members may submit news and announcements to be distributed via the Society's mailing list, website and social media accounts. Items of interest include: conferences, job openings, awards, calls for papers, and requests for volunteers. All items should be of interest to the information theory community. Book announcements and promotion of for-profit journals are not suitable.
To announce your news or event, first submit to this web site. Your submission will be reviewed by the Online Editor. Approved items appear on the web site, on the Society's social media accounts and are sent to the mailing list.
How to Submit to the Mailing List and Social Media
To submit an announcement:
- Sign in to your account by clicking "Sign In" in the upper right-hand corner.
- Select the type of item to submit:
- If you are ready to submit, select Submit for Review and save. Otherwise, select Draft. You should receive a confirmation email.
Include an image and caption to increase the impact of your announcements if you have them. If you are posting a job opening, use your institution's logo.
Your posting will be reviewed by the Online Editor. After approval, your item will immediately appear under News, Upcoming Events or Jobs Board. The item should appear on the Society's social media accounts soon after that. The items are sent to the mailing list usually within 24 hours. Announcement emails are not sent to you automatically — you must subscribe to the mailing list to receive the announcement yourself.
Landing Page Slideshow
The front page of our website has a rotating slideshow to highlight new and interesting events, announcements, and content for the Society. To submit an item for a slideshow, a 1028 x 1440 pixel graphic image is needed along with some title text and a link or pointer to an announcement or page on the Society site. For example, to highlight a WITHITS event at the Allerton conference, you would post the event, create a graphic, and send the link and graphic to the Online Editor at [email protected].
In addition to the website, content can also be posted to the Newsletter.