Aaron D. Wyner Distinguished Service Award
The Aaron D. Wyner Distinguished Service Award honors an individual who has shown outstanding leadership in, and provided long-standing, exceptional service to, the Information Theory community.

The Aaron D. Wyner Distinguished Service Award of the IT Society has been instituted to honor an individual who has shown outstanding leadership in, and provided long-standing, exceptional service to, the Information Theory community. Each Wyner Award winner receives an ISIT or ITW participation fee waiver and a specially engraved plaque. This award was initiated as the IT Society Distinguished Service Award in 2004, but was renamed to the Aaron D. Wyner Distinguished Service Award in 2005.


Starting with the 2009 Award, the Wyner Award Committee has decided to issue an open call for nominations. All nominations should be submitted by March 1 using the online form. Although anyone may make a nomination, the Committee retains the responsibility of assuring that a suitable slate of candidates is nominated, and may itself generate nominations. 


University of Southern California
UC San Diego
Technical University of Munich
Stanford University
Technical University of Munich
Princeton University
University of Toronto
University Duisburg-Essen
University of Notre Dame
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
University of Maryland
Aaron Wyner
Aaron D. Wyner, 1939–1997