Musing upon Information Theory
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Waseda University

2010 Shannon Lecture
Te Sun Han (NICT)


Basic logics underlying typical theorems in information theory are scrutinized from the viewpoint of information-spectra. Very general sources, which may be neither stationary nor ergodic, are introduced to establish conceptually simple formulars holding for the generalized AEP theorem, the optimal source coding theorem along with the reliability function, the fundamental limits of random number generation, the folklore theorem about source coding, the invariance theorem of information-spectra in the process of optimal source coding, the type II error rate function for hypothesis testing, etc. To do so, it plays the key role to define the limit superior in probability and the limit inferior in probability, which look like reasonable extentions of the well-established concept of "limit in probability." It turns out also that source coding may be regarded as being a mere special case of hypothesis testing in the generalized sense.

Te - Sun   Han  was born in 1941, Kiryu-city, Japan. In 1971 he received Dr. Engineering, University Tokyo. In 1972, 1983, 1985, 1993, he was Assistant Professor with University of Tokyo, Professor with Toho University, Professor with Sensyu University, Professor with University of Electro-Comminications, respectively. He is currently Visiting Professor with Waseda University. Te   Sun   Han  has been selec te d as the recipient of the 2010 Information Theory Society Claude E. S han non award. He will receive this award and present the next S han non Lecture at ISIT 2010.