Goldsmith Lecturer
The Goldsmith Lecturer Program was established with a generous gift of Dr. Andrea Goldsmith in 2019. The Goldsmith Lecture will be delivered by an early-career woman researcher at one of the ITSoc’s Schools of Information Theory, held for the benefit of students and postdoctoral researchers.

The Goldsmith Lecturer Program was established with a generous gift of Dr. Andrea Goldsmith in 2019. The Goldsmith Lecture will be delivered by an early-career woman researcher at one of the ITSoc’s Schools of Information Theory, held for the benefit of students and postdoctoral researchers. The award is used to defray the economy class travel expenses to the Goldsmith Lecturer. By highlighting technical achievements of early career women, the ITSoc Goldsmith Lecturer Program helps the award recipients build their professional career and recognition.  The lectureship contributes to the public visibility of the researcher and helps increase diversity of IEEE ITSoc and IEEE as a whole, as women are an under-represented group in both. The award recipient will also serve as a role model and inspiration to diverse students attending the Information Theory Schools. 

Criteria and Eligibility

The candidate must be a woman researcher, no more than 10 years from receiving her Ph.D. by the nomination deadline. The candidate must have achieved early career excellence via her research and technical contributions to Information Theory and its applications. The candidate may be from any geographic region and any organization, e.g., academia, industry, or government. The candidate must be able to deliver an excellent lecture at an Information Theory School. The candidate must not have been previously recognized as an ITSoc Goldsmith Lecturer.

Nominations for the Goldsmith Lecturer should be submitted using the online form.


The IEEE Information Theory Society acknowledges the financial support from the following corporate sponsors to the Goldsmith Lecturer Program:

Gold Sponsors: Huawei, Intel, Nokia, Qualcomm
Silver Sponsors: Assia, Interdigital
Bronze Sponsors: Google, Keysight, Microsoft, Texas Instruments

Carnegie Mellon University
Stanford University
Carnegie Mellon University
University of Pennsylvania
Carnegie Mellon University
Stanford University

Gold Sponsor

Goldsmith Lecturer Sponsors Gold

Silver Sponsor

Goldsmith Lecturer Sponsors Silver

Bronze Sponsor

Goldsmith Lecturer Sponsors Copper