Ordered by deadline date
Thomas M. Cover Dissertation Award
Thomas M. Cover Dissertation Award, established in 2013, is awarded annually to the author of an outstanding doctoral dissertation contributing to the mathematical foundations of any of the information sciences within the purview of the Society including, but not limited to, Shannon theory, source and channel coding theory, data compression, learning theory, quantum information theory and computing, complexity theory, and applications of information theory in probability and statistics. Nomination of underrepresented minorities are encouraged. Eligible dissertations must have been successfully defended during the two calendar years prior to the award year.
NOMINATION PROCEDURE: Nominations must be submitted by January 15, 2024 using the online form available here. Endorsement letters should be emailed by January 25, 2024 to the Committee Chair and CC to Ashley Tufuga ([email protected]) with "Cover Award Recommendation" in the subject line.
IEEE Fellows
Do you have a colleague who is a senior member of IEEE and is deserving of election to IEEE Fellow status? If so, please submit a nomination on his or her behalf to the IEEE Fellow Committee. The deadline for nominations has been advanced to February 7 for 2024, instead of March 1 as in past tradition. IEEE Fellow status is granted to a person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments. The honor is conferred by the IEEE Board of Directors, and the total number of Fellow recommendations in any one year is limited to 0.1% of the IEEE voting membership. For further details on the nomination process, please consult here.
ComSoc/ITSoc Joint Paper Award
The Communications Society/Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award recognizes outstanding papers that lie at the intersection of communications and information theory. Any paper appearing in a ComSoc or ITSoc publication during the preceding three calendar years is eligible for the award.
NOMINATION PROCEDURE: Nominations and optional letters of endorsement must be submitted by February 15, 2024. All nominations should be submitted using the online nomination forms. Please include a statement outlining the paper’s contributions.
Claude E. Shannon Award
The IEEE Information Theory Society Claude E. Shannon Award is given annually to honor consistent and profound contributions to the field of information theory. Each Shannon Award winner is expected to present a Shannon Lecture at the following IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. The first Shannon Lecturer was Claude Shannon himself.
NOMINATION PROCEDURE: Starting with the 2009 Award, the Shannon Award Committee has issued an open call for nominations. All nominations should be submitted by March 1, 2024 using the online form. The Committee retains the responsibility of assuring that a suitable slate of candidates is nominated, and may itself generate nominations.
Aaron D. Wyner Distinguished Service Award
The IT Society Aaron D. Wyner Service Award honors individuals who have shown outstanding leadership in, and provided long standing exceptional service to, the Information Theory community.
NOMINATION PROCEDURE: Starting with the 2009 Award, the Wyner Award Committee has decided to issue an open call for nominations. All nominations should be submitted by March 1, 2024 using the online form.
Information Theory Society Paper Award
The Information Theory Society Paper Award is given annually for an outstanding publication in the fields of interest to the Society appearing anywhere during the preceding two calendar years. The purpose of this award is to recognize exceptional publications in the field and to stimulate interest in and encourage contributions to fields of interest of the Society.
NOMINATION PROCEDURE: Nominations and optional letters of endorsement must be submitted by March 15, 2024. All nominations should be submitted using the online nomination forms. Please include a statement outlining the paper’s contributions.
James L. Massey Research & Teaching Award for Young Scholars
The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding achievement in research and teaching by young scholars in the Information Theory community. The award is named in honor of James L. Massey, who was an internationally acclaimed pioneer in digital communications and a revered teacher and mentor to an entire generation of communications engineers.
NOMINATION PROCEDURE: The nominee must be a Society member, who on January 1st of the year in which the award is given, is no more than 10 years beyond having their highest degree (up to doctorate) conferred. Nominations and supporting materials must be submitted by March 15, 2024. All nominations should be submitted using the online nomination forms.
Padovani Lecturer
The Padovani Lecturer Program was established with a generous gift of Dr. Roberto Padovani in 2009. The Padovani Lecture will be delivered by an outstanding member of the Information Theory community at one of the ITSoc’s Schools of Information Theory, held for the benefit of students and postdoctoral researchers.
NOMINATION PROCEDURE: The candidate is typically a member of the IEEE Information Theory Society. The candidate must not have been previously recognized as an ITSoc Padovani Lecturer. Nominations and supporting materials must be submitted by October 1, 2024. All nominations should be submitted using the online nomination forms.
Goldsmith Lecturer
The Goldsmith Lecturer Program was established with a generous gift of Dr. Andrea Goldsmith in 2019. The Goldsmith Lecture will be delivered by an early-career woman researcher at one of the ITSoc’s Schools of Information Theory, held for the benefit of students and postdoctoral researchers. By highlighting technical achievements of early career women, the ITSoc Goldsmith Lecturer Program helps the award recipients build their professional career and recognition.
NOMINATION PROCEDURE: The candidate must be a woman researcher, no more than 10 years from receiving her Ph.D. by the nomination deadline. Nominations and supporting materials must be submitted by October 1, 2024. All nominations should be submitted using the online nomination forms.
Distinguished Lecturer
The IEEE Information Theory Society established the Distinguished Lecturers Program to promote interest in information theory by supporting its local chapters to invite prominent information theory researchers to give lectures at their events.
NOMINATION PROCEDURE: The candidate must be a member of the IEEE Information Theory Society. The candidate must not have been previously recognized as an ITSoc Distinguished Lecturer. Nominations and supporting materials must be submitted by October 1, 2024. All nominations should be submitted using the online nomination forms.
Joy Thomas Tutorial Paper Award
The IEEE Joy Thomas Tutorial Paper Award was established with a generous gift from the Joy Thomas Foundation. The award serves to recognize publications that expose subjects in information theory to a broad audience and stimulate interest and engagement in them.
NOMINATION PROCEDURE: The tutorial paper must have appeared in an IEEE Information Theory Society publication during the preceding five calendar years. The authors do not have to be members of the IEEE. Individuals serving on the Paper Awards Committee are ineligible to receive the award. Nominations and supporting materials must be submitted by October 1, 2024. All nominations should be submitted using the online nomination forms.