Past Editors

Past Editors-in-Chief

Fischer, L. G. (Sep 1957–Dec 1958)
Deschamps, Georges A. (Mar 1959–Jun 1960)
Kohlenberg, Arthur (Sep 1960–Apr 1964)
Van Meter, D. (Jul 1964–Apr 1967)
Helstrom, Carl W. (Jul 1967–Nov 1971)
Forney, Jr., G. David (Jan 1972–May 1975)
Massey, James L. (Jul 1975–Mar 1978)
Sloane, Neil J. A. (May 1978–Jan 1981)
Gray, Robert M. (Mar 1981–Mar 1984)
Wyner, Aaron D. (May 1984–Sep 1987)
Berger, Toby (Nov 1987–Mar 1990)
Hajek, Bruce E. (May 1990–Mar 1993)
Blahut, Richard E. (May 1993–Nov 1995)
Calderbank, A. Robert (Jan 1996–May 1998)
Vardy, Alexander (Jul 1998–Jun 2001)
Siegel, Paul H. (Jul 2001–Jun 2004)
Poor, H. Vincent (Jul 2004–Jun 2007)
Biglieri, Ezio (Jul 2007–Jun 2010)
Bölcskei, Helmut (Jul 2010–Jun 2013)
Kontoyiannis, Ioannis (Jul 2013–Dec 2013)
Kschischang, Frank R. (Jan 2014–Dec 2016)
Narayan, Prakash (Jan 2017–June 2018)
Barg, Alexander (July 2018–Dec 2019)
Sason, Igal (Jan 2020 - June 2021)
Medard, Muriel (July 2021 - July 2023)


Past Executive Editors

Narayan, Prakash (March 2016–Dec 2016)
Barg, Alexander (Jan 2017–June 2018)
Sason, Igal (July 2018–Dec 2019)
Arikan, Erdal (Jan 2020 - June 2021)


Past Executive Editorial Board Members

Forney, Jr., G. David (EiC: Bölcskei, Helmut; Jul 2010–Jun 2013)
Shamai (Shitz), Shlomo (EiC: Bölcskei, Helmut; Jul 2010–Jun 2013)
Vardy, Alexander (EiC: Bölcskei, Helmut; Jul 2010–Jun 2013)
Verdú, Sergio (EiC: Bölcskei, Helmut; Jul 2010–Jun 2013)
Forney, Jr., G. David (EiC: Kontoyiannis, Ioannis; Jul 2013–Jun 2014)
Narayan, Prakash (EiC: Kontoyiannis, Ioannis; Jul 2013–Jun 2014)
Poor, H. Vincent (EiC: Kontoyiannis, Ioannis; Jul 2013–Jun 2014)
Shamai (Shitz), Shlomo (EiC: Kontoyiannis, Ioannis; Jul 2013–Jun 2014)
Tse, David (EiC: Kschischang, Frank and Narayan, Prakash; Jan 2014–Jun 2018)
Loeliger, Hans-Andrea (EiC: Kschischang, Frank; Narayan, Prakash; Barg, Alexander; Jul 2014–Dec 2019)
Richardson, Tom (EiC: Barg, Alexander; Jul 2018–Dec 2019)
Vardy, Alexander (EiC: Kschischang, Frank; Narayan, Prakash; Barg, Alexander; Jul 2014–Dec 2019)
Wornell, Gregory (EiC: Kschischang, Frank; Narayan, Prakash; Barg, Alexander; Jul 2014–Dec 2019)


Past Publications Editors

Gallopoulos, A. P. (Sep 1988–Mar 1990)
Georghiades, Costas. N. (May 1990–Mar 1993)
O'Sullivan, Joseph A. (May 1993–Nov 1995)
MacLaughlin, Steven W. (Jan 1996–Nov 1999)
Rao, Ramesh (Jan 2000–May 2001)
Agrell, Erik (Jan 2000–Oct 2002)
Moision, Bruce E. (Jul 2001–Sep 2004)
Quirk, Kevin (Nov 2002–Jul 2005)
Kramer, Gerhard (Oct 2004–Dec 2005)
Van Wijngaarden, Adriaan J. (Aug 2005–Jul 2008)
Erkip, Elza (Jan 2006–Jan 2009)
Spasojevic, Predrag (Aug 2008–Aug 2011)
Measson, Cyril (Feb 2009–Jan 2012)
Durisi, Giuseppe (Sep 2011–Aug 2014)


Past Editorial Board Members

Deschamps, G. A. Associate Editor (Sep 1957–Dec 1958)
Fano, Robert M. Editorial Board (Sep 1957–Jun 1960)
Green, Jr., Paul E. Associate Editor (Mar 1959–Jun 1960)
Ruina, Jack P. Associate Editor (Mar 1959–Jun 1960)
Elias, Peter Editorial Policy Committee (Sep 1960–Jul 1961)
Green, Jr., Paul E. Editorial Policy Committee (Sep 1960–Jul 1961)
Zadeh, Lotfi A. Special Papers (Apr 1961–Apr 1962)
Peterson, W. Wesley Coding (Jul 1962–Jul 1963)
Green, Jr., Paul E. Special Papers (Jul 1962–Jul 1964)
Gallager, Robert G. Coding (Oct 1963–Oct 1964)
Helstrom, Carl W. Detection Theory (Jan 1965–Apr 1967)
Nuttall, Albert Associate Editor (Sep 1960–Oct 1967)
Peterson, W. Wesley Coding (Jan 1965–Jul 1969)
Thomas, John B. Stochastic Processes (Jul 1967–Mar 1970)
Cover, Thomas M. Book Reviews (Jul 1967–Nov 1971)
Kanal, Laveen Pattern Recognition (Jan 1968–Nov 1971)
Wyner, Aaron D. Shannon Theory (Nov 1970–Sep 1972)
Drenick, R. F. Stochastic Processes (May 1970–Nov 1972)
Viterbi, Andrew J. Book Reviews (Jul 1972–Nov 1972)
Wolf, Jack K. Coding (Sep 1969–Nov 1972)
Cover, Thomas M. Pattern Recognition (Jan 1972–Nov 1974)
Kailath, Thomas Detection and Estimation (Jan 1972–Nov 1974)
Lucky, Robert W. Communications (Jan 1972–Nov 1974)
Massey, James L. Algebraic Coding (Jan 1973–Nov 1974)
Wong, Eugene Stochastic Processes (Jan 1973–Nov 1974)
Turin, George L. Book Reviews (Jan 1973–May 1975)
Viterbi, Andrew J. Shannon Theory (Jan 1973–May 1975)
Kailath, Thomas Book Reviews (Jul 1975–Sep 1976)
Rudolph, Luther D. Algebraic Coding (Jan 1975–Jul 1977)
Berger, Toby Shannon Theory (Jul 1975–Sep 1978)
Blake, Ian F. Book Reviews (Nov 1976–Sep 1978)
Capon, Jack Detection and Estimation (Jan 1975–Sep 1978)
Lin, Shu Algebraic Coding (Jul 1977–Sep 1978)
Proakis, John G. Communications (Jan 1975–Sep 1978)
Snyder, Donald L. Stochastic Processes (Jan 1975–Sep 1978)
Wagner, Terry J. Pattern Recognition (Jan 1975–Sep 1978)
Sloane, Neil J. A. Complexity and Cryptography (Sep 1977–Jan 1979)
Root, William L. Detection and Estimation (Nov 1978–Sep 1980)
Fine, Terry L. Book Reviews (Nov 1978–Jul 1981)
Franks, Lewis E. Communications (Nov 1978–Jul 1981)
Goethals, Jean Marie Algebraic Coding (Nov 1978–Jul 1981)
Kieffer, John C. Shannon Theory (Jan 1982–Jan 1982)
Kadota, Ted T. Stochastic Processes (Nov 1978–May 1982)
Gray, Robert M. Shannon Theory (Nov 1978–Jul 1982)
Pippenger, Nicholas Complexity and Cryptography (Sep 1978–Jul 1982)
Cahn, Charles R. Communications (Sep 1981–Nov 1982)
Fukunaga, Keinosuke Pattern Recognition (Nov 1978–Nov 1982)
Gallager, Robert G. Communication Networks and Computer Networks (Sep 1977–Nov 1982)
MacWilliams, F. Jessie Algebraic Coding (Sep 1981–May 1983)
Shapiro, Jeffrey H. Detection and Estimation (Nov 1980–Jan 1984)
Rhodes, Ian B. Estimation and Filtering (Mar 1984–Jul 1984)
Toussaint, Godfried T. Pattern Recognition (Jan 1983–Jul 1984)
Anderson, John B. Coding Techniques (Mar 1982–Jan 1985)
Hartmann, Carlos R. P. Coding Theory (Jul 1983–Jan 1985)
Kaplan, Michael Book Reviews (Sep 1981–Jan 1985)
Kieffer, John C. Shannon Theory (Sep 1982–Jan 1985)
Kobayashi, Hisashi Communication Networks and Computer Networks (Jan 1983–Jan 1985)
Masry, Elias Stochastic Processes (Jul 1982–Jan 1985)
Shamir, Adi Complexity and Cryptography (Sep 1982–Jan 1985)
Shapiro, Jeffrey H. Detection and Estimation (Jan 1985–Jan 1985)
Sarwate, Dilip V. Coding Theory (Sep 1982–May 1985)
Humblet, Pierre A. Communication Networks and Computer Networks (Mar 1984–Jan 1986)
Modestino, James W. Communications (Jan 1983–Jan 1986)
Körner, János Shannon Theory (Mar 1985–Sep 1986)
Poor, H. Vincent Detection and Estimation (Mar 1984–Sep 1986)
Cambanis, Stamatis Stochastic Processes (Mar 1985–Sep 1987)
Costello, Jr., Dan J. Coding Techniques (Mar 1985–Sep 1987)
Dickinson, Bradley W. Estimation and Filtering (Sep 1984–Sep 1987)
Fine, Terry L. Detection and Estimation (Nov 1986–Sep 1987)
Koplowitz, Jack Pattern Recognition (Sep 1984–Sep 1987)
Odlyzko, Andrew M. Complexity and Cryptography (Mar 1985–Sep 1987)
Thompson, David J. Communications (Mar 1986–Sep 1987)
Yao, Kung Book Reviews (Mar 1985–Sep 1987)
van Lint, Jacobus H. Coding Theory (Jul 1985–Nov 1987)
Blahut, Richard E. Associate Editor, Shannon Theory (Nov 1986–Jul 1988)
Hajek, Bruce E. Communication Networks and Computer Networks (Mar 1986–Jul 1988)
Polydoros, Andreas Communications (Nov 1987–Sep 1988)
Calderbank, A. Robert Coding Techniques (Nov 1987–Mar 1990)
Kaspi, A. Book Reviews (Nov 1987–Mar 1990)
Neuhoff, David L. Source Coding (Nov 1987–Mar 1990)
Abu-Mostafa, Yaser S. Neural Networks, Automated Learning, and Pattern Recognition (Nov 1987–Jul 1990)
Coppersmith, Don Complexity and Cryptography (Nov 1987–Jul 1990)
Mehravari, Nader At Large (Nov 1987–Jul 1990)
Zakai, Moshe M. Stochastic Processes (Nov 1987–Sep 1990)
Caines, Peter Estimation and Filtering (Nov 1987–Nov 1990)
Thompson, David J. Detection and Estimation (Nov 1987–Nov 1990)
Cover, Thomas M. Book Reviews (May 1990–Mar 1991)
van Tilborg, Henk C. A. Coding Theory (Jan 1988–Mar 1991)
Willems, Frans M. J. Shannon Theory (Sep 1988–Mar 1991)
Ephremides, Anthony Communication Networks and Computer Networks (Sep 1988–Nov 1991)
Marcus, Steven I. Filtering and Stochastic Processes (Nov 1990–Nov 1991)
Gibson, Jerry D. Communications (Nov 1988–Mar 1992)
McCurley, K. Complexity and Cryptography (Sep 1990–Mar 1992)
Milstein, L. Book Reviews (May 1991–Mar 1992)
Bucklew, James A. At Large (Sep 1990–Nov 1992)
Kassam, Saleem Detection (Jan 1991–Nov 1992)
Bucklew, James A. Detection (Jan 1993–Mar 1993)
Chevillat, Pierre Coding Techniques (May 1990–Mar 1993)
Fischer, Thomas R. Source Coding (May 1990–Mar 1993)
Porat, Boaz Estimation (Jan 1991–Mar 1993)
Wei, Victor Coding Theory (May 1990–Mar 1993)
Cybenko, George Neural Networks, Automated Learning, and Pattern Recognition (Sep 1990–Jul 1993)
Modestino, James W. Book Reviews (May 1992–Jul 1993)
Games, R. A. Book Reviews (Sep 1993–Mar 1994)
Rissanen, Jorma Source Coding (Jan 1991–Mar 1994)
Tietäväinen, Aimo Coding Theory (Mar 1991–Mar 1994)
Helleseth, Tor Coding Theory (May 1991–May 1994)
Verdú, Sergio Shannon Theory (May 1991–May 1994)
Zietouni, Ofer Filtering and Stochastic Processes (Jan 1992–May 1994)
Biglieri, Ezio Communications (May 1992–Jan 1995)
Sidi, Moshe Communication Networks and Computer Networks (Jan 1992–Jan 1995)
Maurer, Ueli M. Complexity and Cryptography (May 1992–Sep 1995)
Arıkan, Erdal At Large (May 1993–Nov 1995)
Farvardin, Nariman Source Coding (May 1993–Nov 1995)
Hughes, Brian Detection (May 1993–Nov 1995)
Imai, Hideki Coding Theory (May 1993–Nov 1995)
Juditsky, Anatoli Estimation (May 1993–Nov 1995)
Siegel, Paul H. Coding Techniques (May 1993–Nov 1995)
Cover, Thomas M. Book Reviews (May 1994–Nov 1996)
Han, Te Sun Shannon Theory (Jul 1994–Nov 1996)
Barron, Andrew R. Nonparametric Estimation, Classification and Neural Nets (Sep 1993–Jan 1997)
Crépeau, Claude Complexity and Cryptography (Nov 1995–Jan 1997)
Feder, Meir Source Coding (May 1994–Jan 1997)
Høholdt, Tom Coding Theory (Jul 1994–Jan 1997)
Kumar, P. Vijay Coding Theory (May 1994–Jan 1997)
Pellikaan, Ruud Coding Theory (Mar 1997–Jul 1997)
Georghiades, Costas N. Communications (Mar 1995–Sep 1997)
Seshadri, Nambi Coding Techniques (Jan 1996–Sep 1997)
Hero, Alfred Signal Processing (Jul 1994–May 1998)
Vardy, Alexander Coding Theory (Jan 1996–Jun 1998)
Cruz, Rene Communication Networks (Mar 1995–Jul 1998)
Herley, C. Estimation (Jan 1996–Jul 1998)
Kohno, Ruiji Detection (Jan 1996–Jul 1998)
Laroia, Rajiv Source Coding (Jan 1996–Jul 1998)
Zeger, Ken At Large (Jan 1996–Jul 1998)
Kløve, Torleiv Coding Theory (Mar 1997–Mar 1999)
Moulin, Pierre Nonparametric Estimation, Classification and Neural Networks (Mar 1997–Mar 1999)
Merhav, Neri Source Coding (Mar 1997–May 1999)
Stinson, Douglas R. Complexity and Cryptography (Mar 1997–Jul 1999)
Kulkarni, Sanjeev R. Nonparametric Estimation, Classification and Neural Networks (Apr 1999–Sep 1999)
Golomb, Solomon W. Sequences (Apr 1999–Jan 2000)
Shamai, Shlomo Shannon Theory (Jan 1997–Jan 2000)
Barg, Alexander M. Coding Theory (Sep 1997–Sep 2000)
Blake, Ian F. Coding Theory (Nov 1997–Sep 2000)
Honig, Michael L. Communications (Nov 1997–Sep 2000)
Kschischang, Frank R. Coding Theory (Nov 1997–Sep 2000)
Soljanin, Emina Coding Techniques (Nov 1997–Sep 2000)
Madhow, Upamanyu Detection and Estimation (Sep 1998–Nov 2000)
Csiszár, Imre Shannon Theory (Jan 1998–Feb 2001)
Anantharam, Venkat Communication Networks (Sep 1998–Jul 2001)
Fuja, Thomas E. At Large (Sep 1998–Jul 2001)
O'Sullivan, Joseph A. Detection and Estimation (Sep 1998–Jul 2001)
Roth, Ron M. Coding Theory (Sep 1998–Jul 2001)
Chou, Philip A. Source Coding (Sep 1998–Sep 2001)
Ashley, Jonathan J. Coding Theory (Sep 2001–Feb 2002)
Blahut, Richard E. Book Reviews (Jan 1997–Mar 2002)
Sole, Patrick Coding Theory (Apr 1999–Mar 2002)
Koblitz, Neal I. Complexity and Cryptography (Sep 1999–Oct 2002)
Lugosi, Gabor Nonparametric Estimation, Classification and Neural Networks (Nov 1999–Oct 2002)
Shor, Peter W. Quantum Information Theory (Mar 2000–Oct 2002)
Weinberger, Marcelo Source Coding (Jul 1999–Oct 2002)
Klapper, Andrew M. Sequences (Mar 2000–Nov 2002)
Narayan, Prakash Shannon Theory (Mar 2000–Dec 2002)
Zamir, Ram Source Coding (Nov 2001–Jun 2003)
Justesen, Jorn Coding Theory (Nov 2000–Aug 2003)
Kötter, Ralf Coding Theory (Nov 2000–Aug 2003)
Litsyn, Simon Coding Theory (Nov 2000–Aug 2003)
Caire, Giuseppe Communications (Nov 2000–Sep 2003)
Tassiulas, Leandros Communication Networks (Sep 2001–Sep 2003)
Telatar, İ. Emre Shannon Theory (Mar 2001–Sep 2003)
Urbanke, Rüdiger Coding Techniques (Nov 2000–Sep 2003)
Veeravalli, Venugopal V. Detection and Estimation (Jan 2001–Sep 2003)
Tse, David N. C. Communications (Nov 2001–Oct 2003)
Nobel, Andrew B. Nonparametric Estimation, Classification, and Neural Networks (Nov 2002–Apr 2004)
Battail, Gérard At Large (Sep 2001–Jun 2004)
Kavčić, Aleksandar Detection and Estimation (Sep 2001–Jun 2004)
Linder, Tamás Source Coding (Jul 2003–Oct 2004)
Lapidoth, Amos Shannon Theory (Oct 2003–Dec 2004)
Abdel-Ghaffar, Khaled Coding Theory (Mar 2002–Feb 2005)
Carlet, Claude Coding Theory (Apr 2002–Feb 2005)
Sasaki, Galen H. Communication Networks (Oct 2003–Apr 2005)
Savari, Serap Source Coding (Nov 2002–Aug 2005)
Johannsson, Thomas Complexity and Cryptography (Nov 2002–Sep 2005)
Knill, Emanuel H. Quantum Information Theory (Nov 2002–Sep 2005)
Hassibi, Babak Communications (Oct 2003–Oct 2005)
Yeung, Raymond W. Shannon Theory (Jan 2003–Dec 2005)
Paterson, Kenneth G. Sequences (Dec 2002–Jan 2006)
Sudan, Madhu Coding Theory (Mar 2005–Feb 2006)
Ytrehus, Øyvind Coding Techniques (Source Coding) (Sep 2003–Jun 2006)
Zémor, Gilles Coding Theory (Sep 2003–Jul 2006)
Ashikhmin, Alexei Coding Theory (Oct 2003–Sep 2006)
Fossorier, Marc P. C. Coding Techniques (Oct 2003–Sep 2006)
McEliece, Robert J. Coding Theory (Sep 2003–Sep 2006)
Müller, Ralf R. Communications (Oct 2003–Sep 2006)
Wang, Xiaodong Detection and Estimation (Oct 2003–Sep 2006)
Médard, Muriel Communications (Nov 2003–Oct 2006)
Verdú, Sergio Book Reviews (Apr 2002–Dec 2006)
Bartlett, Peter L. Pattern Recognition, Statistical Learning, and Inference (May 2004–Mar 2007)
Vaishampayan, Vinay A. At Large (Jul 2004–Apr 2007)
Høst-Madsen, Anders Detection and Estimation (Jul 2004–May 2007)
Kobayashi, Kingo Shannon Theory (Jul 2004–May 2007)
Effros, Michelle Source Coding (Nov 2001–Aug 2007)
Okamoto, Eiji Complexity and Cryptography (Oct 2004–Aug 2007)
McLaughlin, Steven W. Coding Techniques (Jul 2006–Nov 2007)
Steinberg, Yossef Shannon Theory (Jan 2005–Nov 2007)
Richardson, Tom J. Coding Theory (Apr 2005–Feb 2008)
Viswanath, Pramod Communications (May 2007–Apr 2008)
Modiano, Eytan Communication Networks (May 2005–Jul 2008)
Boche, Holger Communications (Nov 2005–Dec 2008)
Canteaut, Anne Complexity and Cryptography (Oct 2005–Dec 2008)
Gong, Guang Sequences (Feb 2006–Dec 2008)
Szpankowski, Wojciech Source Coding (Sep 2005–Dec 2008)
Winter, Andreas Quantum Information Theory (Oct 2005–Dec 2008)
Dumer, Ilya Coding Theory (Aug 2006–Nov 2009)
Etzion, Tuvi Coding Theory (Mar 2006–Nov 2009)
Goldsmith, Andrea J. Communications (Oct 2006–Nov 2009)
Kramer, Gerhard Shannon Theory (Jan 2006–Nov 2009)
Lapidoth, Amos Shannon Theory (May 2009–Nov 2009)
Loeliger, Hans-Andrea Coding Techniques (Oct 2006–Nov 2009)
Seroussi, Gadiel Coding Theory (Oct 2006–Nov 2009)
Tolhuizen, Ludo Coding Theory (Oct 2006–Nov 2009)
Tong, Lang Detection and Estimation (Oct 2006–Nov 2009)
Anderson, John B. Book Reviews (Jan 2007–Dec 2009)
Grant, Alex Communications (Nov 2006–Dec 2009)
Bölcskei, Helmut Detection and Estimation (Jun 2007–Aug 2010)
Krzyżak, Adam Pattern Recognition, Statistical Learning, and Inference (Apr 2007–Aug 2010)
Mitra, Urbashi At Large (May 2007–Aug 2010)
Yamamoto, Hirosuke Shannon Theory (Jun 2007–Aug 2010)
Fujiwara, Toru Complexity and Cryptography (Sep 2007–Sep 2010)
Ordentlich, Erik Source Coding (Sep 2007–Sep 2010)
Ulukus, Sennur Communication Networks (Sep 2007–Sep 2010)
Kontoyiannis, Ioannis Shannon Theory (Dec 2007–Nov 2010)
Viterbo, Emanuele Coding Techniques (Dec 2007–Nov 2010)
Yang, En-Hui Source Coding (Dec 2007–Nov 2010)
Berry, Randall Communication Networks (Mar 2008–Jan 2011)
Nosratinia, Aria Communication Networks (Mar 2008–Jan 2011)
Rajan, B. Sundar Coding Theory (Mar 2008–Jan 2011)
Sason, Igal Coding Theory (Mar 2008–Jan 2011)
Taricco, Giorgio Communications (Mar 2008–Jan 2011)
Romberg, Justin Signal Processing (May 2008–Feb 2011)
Zheng, Lizhong Communications (May 2008–Feb 2011)
Erez, Uri Coding Techniques (May 2009–Apr 2011)
Gastpar, Michael Shannon Theory (Aug 2008–Jun 2011)
Hayden, Patrick Quantum Information Theory (Aug 2008–Jun 2011)
Hlawatsch, Franz Detection and Estimation (Aug 2008–Jun 2011)
Martin, Keith M. Complexity and Cryptography (Aug 2008–Jun 2011)
Safavi-Naini, Reihaneh Complexity and Cryptography (Aug 2008–Jun 2011)
Van Wijngaarden, Adriaan J. Communications (Aug 2008–Jun 2011)
Parker, Matthew G. Sequences (Jan 2009–Nov 2011)
Erkip, Elza Shannon Theory (Feb 2009–Jan 2012)
Yu, Nam Yul Sequences (Feb 2009–Jan 2012)
Lops, Marco Detection and Estimation (Mar 2009–Feb 2012)
Moustakas, Aris L. Communications (Mar 2009–Feb 2012)
Tatikonda, Sekhar Communications (Oct 2009–Feb 2012)
Yates, Roy D. Communication Networks (Mar 2009–Feb 2012)
Blaum, Mario Coding Theory (Apr 2009–Mar 2012)
Serpedin, Erchin Signal Processing (Apr 2009–Mar 2012)
Franceschetti, Massimo Communication Networks (May 2009–May 2012)
Jafar, Syed Ali Communications (Aug 2009–Jul 2012)
Motani, Mehul Communication Networks (Aug 2009–Jul 2012)
Diggavi, Suhas Shannon Theory (Oct 2009–Sep 2012)
Fragouli, Christina Communication Networks (Oct 2009–Sep 2012)
Skoglund, Mikael Communications (Oct 2009–Sep 2012)
Cohen, Gerard Coding Theory (Dec 2009–Oct 2012)
Tillich, Jean-Pierre Coding Theory (Oct 2009–Oct 2012)
Vontobel, Pascal O. Coding Techniques (Oct 2009–Oct 2012)
Blahut, Richard E. Coding Theory (Dec 2011–Dec 2012)
Hochwald, Bertrand Communications (Aug 2011–Dec 2012)
Massey, James L. Book Reviews (Aug 2011–Dec 2012)
Uyematsu, Tomohiko Shannon Theory (Aug 2010–Jul 2013)
Yu, Wei Shannon Theory (Aug 2010–Jul 2013)
Steinberg, Yossef At Large (Oct 2010–Aug 2013)
Weissman, Tsachy Shannon Theory (Sep 2010–Aug 2013)
Arıkan, Erdal Coding Theory (Nov 2010–Sep 2013)
Blake, Ian F. Complexity and Cryptography (Nov 2010–Sep 2013)
Guo, Dongning Shannon Theory (Oct 2010–Sep 2013)
Kontoyiannis, Ioannis At Large (Dec 2010–Sep 2013)
Palomar, Daniel P. Detection and Estimation (Oct 2010–Sep 2013)
Tulino, Antonia M. Communications (Oct 2010–Sep 2013)
Elad, Michael Signal Processing (Aug 2011–Oct 2013)
Guruswami, Venkatesan Complexity and Cryptography (Jan 2011–Dec 2013)
Ashikhmin, Alexei Coding Techniques (Mar 2011–Feb 2014)
Burshtein, David Coding Techniques (Mar 2011–Feb 2014)
Cesa-Bianchi, Nicolò Pattern Recognition, Statistical Learning, and Inference (Mar 2011–Feb 2014)
Moustakides, George V. Detection and Estimation (Mar 2011–Feb 2014)
Oohama, Yasutada Source Coding (Mar 2011–Feb 2014)
Baccelli, François Communication Networks (Aug 2011–Aug 2014)
Belfiore, Jean-Claude Coding Theory (Sep 2011–Aug 2014)
Cramer, Ronald Complexity and Cryptography (Aug 2011–Aug 2014)
Fischer, Robert F. H. Communications (Aug 2011–Aug 2014)
Holevo, Alexander Quantum Information Theory (Aug 2011–Aug 2014)
Lozano, Angel Communications (Aug 2011–Aug 2014)
Maurer, Ueli M. Complexity and Cryptography (Aug 2011–Aug 2014)
Milenkovic, Olgica Coding Theory (Aug 2011–Aug 2014)
Smith, Adam Complexity and Cryptography (Aug 2011–Aug 2014)
Helleseth, Tor Sequences (Dec 2011–Dec 2014)
Kashyap, Navin Coding Theory (Oct 2009–Dec 2014)
Kim, Young-Han Shannon Theory (Dec 2011–Dec 2014)
Körner, János Shannon Theory (Dec 2011–Dec 2014)
Ma, Yi Signal Processing (Jul 2012–Jun 2015)
Saligrama, Venkatesh Signal Processing (Jul 2012–Jun 2015)
Shah, Devavrat Communication Networks (Jul 2012–Jun 2015)
Wagner, Aaron B. Shannon Theory (Aug 2012–Jul 2015)
Yang, Kyeongcheol Sequences (Aug 2012–Jul 2015)
Borkar, Vivek Communication Networks (Dec 2012–Dec 2015)
Langberg, Michael Coding Theory (Dec 2012–Dec 2015)
Liang, Yingbin Shannon Theory (Dec 2012–Dec 2015)
Matz, Gerald Detection and Estimation (Jan 2013–Dec 2015)
Rajan, B. Sundar Coding Theory (Dec 2012–Dec 2015)
Sundaresan, Rajesh Communications (Dec 2012–Dec 2015)
Pfister, Henry D. Coding Theory (Feb 2013–Feb 2016)
Avestimehr, Salman Communications (Jan 2014–Dec 2016)
Chen, Jun Shannon Theory (Jan 2014–Dec 2016)
Chung, Sae-Young Shannon Theory (Jan 2014–Dec 2016)
Jaggi, Sidharth Coding Techniques (May 2014–Dec 2016)
Liu, Tie Shannon Theory (Jan 2014–Dec 2016)
Nair, Chandra Shannon Theory (Jan 2014–Dec 2016)
Permuter, Haim Shannon Theory (Jan 2014–Dec 2016)
Pradhan, S. Sandeep Shannon Theory (Jan 2014–Dec 2016)
Simeone, Osvaldo Communications (Jan 2014–Dec 2016)
ten Brink, Stephan Communications (Jan 2014–Dec 2016)
Lahtonen, Jyrki Coding Theory (May 2014–Apr 2017)
Fazel, Maryam Statistical Learning (Oct 2016–May 2017)
Dimakis, Alexandros G. Coding Techniques (Sep 2014–Aug 2017)
Grassl, Markus Quantum Information Theory (May 2014–Aug 2017)
Koksal, C. Emre Communication Networks (May 2014–Aug 2017)
Mao, Yongyi Coding Techniques (May 2014–Aug 2017)
Montanari, Andrea Statistical Learning (Sep 2014–Aug 2017)
Nikiforov, Igor Detection and Estimation (May 2014–Aug 2017)
Tuncel, Ertem Source Coding (May 2014–Aug 2017)
Tuninetti, Daniela Communications (Sep 2014–Aug 2017)
Wang, Chih-Chun Coding Techniques (May 2014–Aug 2017)
Wolf, Stefan Complexity and Cryptography (Aug 2014–Aug 2017)
Javidi, Tara Communication Networks (Dec 2014–Nov 2017)
Madiman, Mokshay Probability and Statistics (Dec 2015–Dec 2017)
Sason, Igal At Large (May 2014–Dec 2017)
Smarandache, Roxana Coding Theory (Sep 2014–Dec 2017)
Varanasi, Mahesh K. Communications (Dec 2014–Dec 2017)
Khisti, Ashish Shannon Theory (May 2015–May 2018)
Sayed, Ali H. Signal Processing (May 2015–May 2018)
La, Richard J. Communication Networks (Aug 2016–Aug 2018)
Gopalan, Parikshit Coding Theory (Mar 2017–Aug 2018)
Moustakides, George V. Sequential Methods (Oct 2016–Aug 2018)
Neuhoff, David L. Source Coding (Oct 2016–Aug 2018)
Menezes, Alfred Complexity and Cryptography (May 2015–Aug 2018)
Tang, Xiaohu Sequences (July 2015–July 2018)
Boche, Holger Quantum Information Theory (Aug 2017–Sep 2018)
Beelen, Peter Coding Theory (Dec 2015–Dec 2018)
Caramanis, Constantine Machine Learning (Dec 2015–Dec 2018)
Narayanan, Krishna Coding Techniques (Dec 2015–Dec 2018)
Müller, Klaus-Robert Machine Learning (Mar 2017–Dec 2018)
Proutiere, Alexandre Communication Networks (Aug 2017–Feb 2019)
Bloch, Matthieu Shannon Theory (Aug 2016–July 2019)
Harremoës, Peter Probability and Statistics (Aug 2016–July 2019)
Kiyavash, Negar Statistical Learning (Aug 2016–July 2019)
Mitran, Patrick Communications (Aug 2016–July 2019)
Neely, Michael J. Communication Networks (Aug 2016–July 2019)
Prabhakaran, Vinod M. Shannon Theory (Aug 2016–July 2019)
Ramamoorthy, Aditya Coding Techniques (Aug 2016–July 2019)
Rudra, Atri Complexity (Aug 2016–July 2019)
Sadeghi, Parastoo Coding Techniques (Aug 2016–July 2019)
Tchamkerten, Aslan Shannon Theory (Aug 2016–July 2019)
Oggier, Frédérique Coding Theory (Oct 2016–Sep 2019)
Wigger, Michèle Shannon Theory (Oct 2016–Sep 2019)
Hsieh, Min-Hsiu Quantum Information Theory (Nov 2015–Dec 2019)
Abbe, Emmanuel Machine Learning (Mar 2017–Mar 2020)
Chamberland, Jean-Francois Communications (Mar 2017–Mar 2020)
Merhav, Neri Shanon Theory (Mar 2017–Mar 2020)
Grohs, Philipp Signal Processing (Mar 2017–Mar 2020)
Kutyniok, Gitta Signal Processing (Mar 2017–Mar 2020)
Lentmaier, Michael Coding Theory (Mar 2017–Mar 2020)
Safavi-Naini, Rei Cryptography (Mar 2017–Mar 2020)
Vaishampayan, Vinay Source Coding (Mar 2017–Mar 2020)
Rauhut, Holger Signal Processing (Mar 2016–Mar 2020)
Watanabe, Shun Shannon Theory (Aug 2016–July 2020)
Guillen i Fabregas, Albert Communications (Feb 2013–June 2020)
Jiang, Anxiao (Andrew) Coding Theory (Aug 2017–July 2020)
Kliewer, Joerg Coding Theory (Aug 2017–July 2020)
Devroye, Natasha Communications (Aug 2017–July 2020)
Balan, Radu Detection and Estimation (Aug 2017–July 2020)
Singh, Aarti Machine Learning (Feb 2019–Sep 2020)
Kontoyiannis, Ioannis At Large (Oct 2017–Sep 2020)
Gohari, Amin At Large (Jul 2018 - Jul 2021)
Mesnager, Sihem Sequences (Sept 2014 - Aug 2021)
Mosonyi, Milan Quantum Information Theory (Oct 2018 - Oct 2021)
Schmidt, Kai-Uwe Sequences (Jul 2018 - Jul 2021)
Ying, Lei Communication Networks (Jul 2018 - Jul 2021)
Canteaut, Anne Cryptography (Oct 2018 - Oct 2021)
Agrawal, Alekh Machine Learning (Oct 2020 - Oct 2021


Guest Editors of Special Issues

David, Jr., E. E. Special Issues on Sensory Information Processing (Feb 1962)
Jacobs, Irwin Mark Special Issue on the Use of Coding and Error-Control Techniques in Communication Systems (Sep 1968)
Gray, Robert M. Gray Special Issue on Quantization (Mar 1982)
Sloane, Neil J. A. Papers in honor of F. Jessie MacWilliams (May 1983)
Macchi, Odile M. Linear Adaptive Filtering (Mar 1984)
Massey, James L. Random-Access Communications (Mar 1985)
Costello, Jr., Daniel J. Coding Techniques and Coding Theory (Sep 1988)
van Lint, Jacobus H. Coding Techniques and Coding Theory (Sep 1988)
Salz, Jack Special Issue Commemorating Stephen O. Rice (Nov 1988)
Calderbank, A. Robert Coding for Storage Devices (May 1991)
Siegel, Paul H. Coding for Storage Devices (May 1991)
Wolf, Jack K. Coding for Storage Devices (May 1991)
Daubechies, Ingrid Special Issue on Wavelet Transforms and Multiresolution Signal Analysis (Mar 1992)
Mallat, Stéphane Special Issue on Wavelet Transforms and Multiresolution Signal Analysis (Mar 1992)
Willsky, Allan S. Special Issue on Wavelet Transforms and Multiresolution Signal Analysis (Mar 1992)
Justesen, Jørn Special Issue on Algebraic Geometry Codes (Nov 1995)
Lachaud, Gilles Special Issue on Algebraic Geometry Codes (Nov 1995)
Tsfasman, Michael A. Special Issue on Algebraic Geometry Codes (Nov 1995)
Wei, Victor K.-W. Special Issue on Algebraic Geometry Codes (Nov 1995)
Feigenbaum, Joan Special Issue on Codes and Complexitiy (Nov 1996)
Forney, Jr., G. David Special Issue on Codes and Complexitiy (Nov 1996)
Marcus, Brian H. Special Issue on Codes and Complexitiy (Nov 1996)
McEliece, Robert J. Special Issue on Codes and Complexitiy (Nov 1996)
Vardy, Alexander Special Issue on Codes and Complexitiy (Nov 1996)
Verdú, Sergio Information Theory: 1948-1998 Special Commemorative Issue (Oct 1998)
Juditski, Anatoli Special Issue on Multiscale Statistical Signal Analysis and Its Applications (Apr 1999)
Krim, Hamid Special Issue on Multiscale Statistical Signal Analysis and Its Applications (Apr 1999)
Tse, David N. C. Special Issue on Multiscale Statistical Signal Analysis and Its Applications (Apr 1999)
Willinger, Walter Special Issue on Multiscale Statistical Signal Analysis and Its Applications (Apr 1999)
Hero III, Alfred O. Special Issue on Information-Theoretic Imaging (Aug 2000)
Moulin, Pierre Special Issue on Information-Theoretic Imaging (Aug 2000)
Moura, Jose M. F. Special Issue on Information-Theoretic Imaging (Aug 2000)
O'Sullivan, Joseph A. Special Issue on Information-Theoretic Imaging (Aug 2000)
Snyder, Donald L. Special Issue on Information-Theoretic Imaging (Aug 2000)
Forney, Jr., G. David Special Issue on Codes and Graphs and Iterative Algorithms (Feb 2001)
Frey, Brendan J. Special Issue on Codes and Graphs and Iterative Algorithms (Feb 2001)
Kötter, Ralf Special Issue on Codes and Graphs and Iterative Algorithms (Feb 2001)
Kschischang, Frank R. Special Issue on Codes and Graphs and Iterative Algorithms (Feb 2001)
McEliece, Robert J. Special Issue on Codes and Graphs and Iterative Algorithms (Feb 2001)
Spielman, Daniel A. Special Issue on Codes and Graphs and Iterative Algorithms (Feb 2001)
Landau, Henry J. Special Issue on Shannon Theory: Perspective, Trends, and Applications (Jun 2002)
Mazo, James E. Special Issue on Shannon Theory: Perspective, Trends, and Applications (Jun 2002)
Shamai (Shitz), Shlomo Special Issue on Shannon Theory: Perspective, Trends, and Applications (Jun 2002)
Ziv, Jacob Special Issue on Shannon Theory: Perspective, Trends, and Applications (Jun 2002)
Caire, Guiseppe Special Issue on Space-Time Transmission, Reception, Coding and Signal Processing (Oct 2003)
Hassibi, Babak Special Issue on Space-Time Transmission, Reception, Coding and Signal Processing (Oct 2003)
Hochwald, Bertrand M. Special Issue on Space-Time Transmission, Reception, Coding and Signal Processing (Oct 2003)
Marzetta, Thomas L. Special Issue on Space-Time Transmission, Reception, Coding and Signal Processing (Oct 2003)
Kieffer, Jean-Claude Special Issue on Problems on Sequences (Jul 2004)
Szpankowski, Wojciech Special Issue on Problems on Sequences (Jul 2004)
Yang, En-Hui Special Issue on Problems on Sequences (Jul 2004)
Cai, Ning Special Issue: Networking and Information Theory (Jun 2006)
Chiang, Mung Special Issue: Networking and Information Theory (Jun 2006)
Effros, Michelle Special Issue: Networking and Information Theory (Jun 2006)
Kötter, Ralf Special Issue: Networking and Information Theory (Jun 2006)
Médard, Muriel Special Issue: Networking and Information Theory (Jun 2006)
Prabhakar, Balaji Special Issue: Networking and Information Theory (Jun 2006)
Srikant, Rayadurgam Special Issue: Networking and Information Theory (Jun 2006)
Towsley, Don Special Issue: Networking and Information Theory (Jun 2006)
Yeung, Raymond W. Special Issue: Networking and Information Theory (Jun 2006)
Berry, Randall A. Special Issue on Models, Theory, and Codes for Relaying and Cooperation in Communication Networks (Oct 2007)
El Gamal, Abbas Special Issue on Models, Theory, and Codes for Relaying and Cooperation in Communication Networks (Oct 2007)
El Gamal, Hesham Special Issue on Models, Theory, and Codes for Relaying and Cooperation in Communication Networks (Oct 2007)
Franceschetti, Massimo Special Issue on Models, Theory, and Codes for Relaying and Cooperation in Communication Networks (Oct 2007)
Gastpar, Michael Special Issue on Models, Theory, and Codes for Relaying and Cooperation in Communication Networks (Oct 2007)
Kramer, Gerhard Special Issue on Models, Theory, and Codes for Relaying and Cooperation in Communication Networks (Oct 2007)
Laneman, J. Nicholas Special Issue on Models, Theory, and Codes for Relaying and Cooperation in Communication Networks (Oct 2007)
Hanaoka, Goichiro Special Issue on Information Theoretic Security (Jun 2008)
Imai, Hideki Special Issue on Information Theoretic Security (Jun 2008)
Maurer, Ueli Special Issue on Information Theoretic Security (Jun 2008)
Zheng, Yuliang Special Issue on Information Theoretic Security (Jun 2008)
Alterovitz, Gil Special Issue on Inf. Theory in Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (Feb 2010)
Battail, Gérard Special Issue on Inf. Theory in Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (Feb 2010)
Coleman, Todd P. Special Issue on Inf. Theory in Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (Feb 2010)
Hagenauer, Joachim Special Issue on Inf. Theory in Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (Feb 2010)
Meyn, Sean P. Special Issue on Inf. Theory in Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (Feb 2010)
Milenkovic, Olgica Special Issue on Inf. Theory in Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (Feb 2010)
Price, Nathan Special Issue on Inf. Theory in Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (Feb 2010)
Ramoni, Marco F. Special Issue on Inf. Theory in Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (Feb 2010)
Shmulevich, Ilya Special Issue on Inf. Theory in Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (Feb 2010)
Szpankowski, Wojciech Special Issue on Inf. Theory in Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (Feb 2010)
Effros, Michelle Facets of Coding Theory: From Algorithms to Networks (Feb 2011)
Forney, Jr., G. David Facets of Coding Theory: From Algorithms to Networks (Feb 2011)
Kschischang, Frank R. Facets of Coding Theory: From Algorithms to Networks (Feb 2011)
Médard, Muriel Facets of Coding Theory: From Algorithms to Networks (Feb 2011)
Singer, Andrew C. Facets of Coding Theory: From Algorithms to Networks (Feb 2011)
Vardy, Alexander Facets of Coding Theory: From Algorithms to Networks (Feb 2011)
Avestimehr, A. Salman Special Issue: Interference Networks (May 2011)
El Gamal, Hesham Special Issue: Interference Networks (May 2011)
Jafar, Syed Ali Special Issue: Interference Networks (May 2011)
Ulukus, Sennur Special Issue: Interference Networks (May 2011)
Vishwanath, Sriram Special Issue: Interference Networks (May 2011)